Reservations and Inquiries by E-mail

All fields are mandatory.
Please check our Privacy Policy for how we manage your personal information.
Please remove e-mail reception/rejection settings if sending from your mobile phone.
Moreover, please understand that it may not be possible to send your e-mail properly
depending on your mobile phone. We will contact you the next business day for inquiries we
receive on Sundays and public holidays. If you do not hear from us within two business days,
please call us on the telephone number below.

Email Address
Confirm Email
Phone Number

Please fill in the following fields to make a reservation.

▸ Please make your reservations 3 days in advance by e-mail
▸ Please contact us 1 day in advance for cancellations

(For reservation special lunch course or dinner course cuisine,
please make your reservation with plenty of time to spare around 1.5-2 hours.)
Number of guests
Reservation and course cuisine requests
(Please tell us whether you have any special anniversary requests or allergies)
Please understand that your reservation is not complete until you receive a reply e-mail from our restaurant.

Please check the input details before checking.